
New Year’s Day (2)

Mum easily went crazy when speaking of Bill’s going to secondary school.
“Bill, you know how awful if you can’t get into La Belle Boys’ School?” Mum said anxiously.
Yeah, I know, Bill thought. I’ll be in a Band 3 school. I’ll have drug problem and will be kicked into the gang. I’ll become a beggar and end up dying under the flyover, blah, blah, blah. Ugh!
But Bill only muttered “Yeah.” He didn’t want to draw attention anymore.
“Bill,” Mum gasped and tried to speak calmly. “You can’t give up at this moment. You are so lucky to study in La Belle Primary School. You have to try your best to get into La Belle Boys’ School too.”
“But he’s only scaled as Band 3 in last two standardized internal assessments.” Beth said.
Dad tried to stop Beth with eye signals but she ignored.
“He was 3 plus. He’s the first part of Band 3. Not 3 or 3 minus.” Mum said.
“There’s no difference.” Beth said.
“There is! If he tries very hard in the coming assessment, he can promote to Band 2 minus and he still has the chance for lucky allocation.”
Bill never understood the system. It’s too complicated for him. The football betting odds was much more made sense.
“Why he must have to go to La Belle Boys’ School? It's a Band 1 elite school. He’s not up to standard at all.” Beth disapproved.
“Because he’s already in La Belle Primary School! Out of 230 P.6 students, only about 60 would be excluded. It’s much more shameful than never got into this primary school.”
“So why did you apply this primary school for him as he is so stupid?”
“How do I know when he’s small?”
“Hey, I’m not stupid at all!” Bill tried to lower his voice.
Mum seemed more nervous, “We’d better go. We have to hurry back home. Bill, you have to do some math exercises and practice your piano pieces.”
“What? Today?” Bill moaned, “I want to watch the Guangdong-Hong Kong Cup* in the afternoon! After all this is the first day of New Year!”
“It’s New Year’s Day all right? Why can’t you say accurately? You’d better win a prize in the Inter-School Music Festival. It’d help if we have to beg for a place.”
“What about me? Can I go out with my friends?” Beth asked.
“Don’t bother me right now can you? Go back together and help with your brother!”
Beth glared at Bill. “It’s all your fault!”
~To be continued~
2012 The 34th Guangdong-Hong Kong Cup*
Hong Kong won.